Funding Opportunities

We understand that funding can sometimes be a challenge when it comes to funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. We have compiled a list of grants and programs that focus on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, capacity building, leadership investment, and nonprofit development. These are grant opportunities that are focused on supporting initiatives that empower organizations and individuals working toward positive social change.

Grants for Organizational Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | NOPI

The NOPI program provides a list of grant opportunities to organizations that actively work towards promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in their operations, programs, and community engagement.

Diversity Funding Opportunities | FAS Research Administration Services

FAS Research Administration Services offers a list of funding opportunities to support initiatives aimed at fostering diversity in research, education, and community outreach.

The Impact Grant | George Kaiser Family Foundation

The Impact Grant is a significant funding opportunity for projects with the potential for a transformative impact on communities and social issues.

Nonprofit Capacity Building Program | AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps' Capacity Building Program assists nonprofits in enhancing their capacity to address community needs effectively.

Capacity-Building & Leadership Investment | Silicon Valley Community Foundation

This funding opportunity is focused on investing in capacity-building and leadership development initiatives within the social sector.

Capacity Building | GEO Funders

GEO Funders' Capacity Building program supports organizations working on issues related to social justice, equity, and systemic change.

Capacity Building Grants for Nonprofits | BoardEffect

The BoardEffect's webpage offers a list of capacity-building grants to support nonprofit organizations seeking to strengthen their infrastructure, governance, and operational capabilities.

Grants - Nonprofits | Public Welfare Foundation

The Public Welfare Foundation provides grants to nonprofits addressing critical issues such as criminal justice reform, workers' rights, and youth justice.

Bank of America Philanthropic Solutions

Bank of America acts as trustee for many charitable foundations, granting awards aligned with each donor's mission. You can access details on over 160 foundations' grantmaking focus, missions, guidelines, and deadlines via their search feature. Many of their grants focus on operational support, training & development, and equity and justice initiatives.